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Integration with PPL
Automatic sending of customer information to the delivery service, acquisition of tracking numbers and parcel tracking
Glavne prednosti integracije
Automated dispatch, informing and order tracking all the way to your customers’ doors!
- pošiljanje podatkov pošiljk in kreiranje nalepk z enim klikom
- avtomatsko obveščanje kupca ob odpremi
- avtomatsko pridobivanje sledilnih številk (track code) in zapis le teh v spletno trgovino
- sledenje pošiljke do vrat kupca v realnem času
- avtomatsko zaključevanje naročil in pošiljanje elektronskih računov
Kako vam integracija olajša delo
With one click, you can send orders you want to dispatch to the PPL and receive labels and tracking numbers, which you automatically send to your customers and synchronise with your online store.
Automatic processing includes order tracking and sending of an electronic invoice (confirmed by the Financial Administration) when the order is delivered.
Koraki odpreme v Order Management-u
Creating labels
Send orders you want to dispatch with one click via the API connection to the delivery service and receive packaging labels and tracking numbers for tracking parcels. The tracking numbers are automatically logged in the web shop.
Buyer notification
Buyers of dispatched orders are automatically sent a notification with a tracking number and link to the parcel tracking page of the delivery service.
Parcel tracking
With the tracking number, sent packages are tracked so that you can have constant overview over every parcel in real time.
Order completion and invoicing
Once the delivery service has delivered the package, the order is automatically completed and the buyer is sent a thank you note and an electronic invoice confirmed by the Financial Administration.
Še nimate integrirane dostavne službe?
Ostale integracije dostavnih služb
- Pokaži vse države
- Avstrija
- Belgija
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- Francija
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- Norveška
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- Portugalska
- Romunija
- Slovaška
- Slovenija
- Španija
- Švedska
- Švica
- Velika Britanija
Pokaži vse države
- Pokaži vse države
- Avstrija
- Belgija
- Bolgarija
- Češka
- Danska
- Finska
- Francija
- Grčija
- Hrvaška
- Italija
- Madžarska
- Nemčija
- Nizozemska
- Norveška
- Poljska
- Portugalska
- Romunija
- Slovaška
- Slovenija
- Španija
- Švedska
- Švica
- Velika Britanija